100 ways to Green-ish
Steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle
Turn off lights when not needed
Turn off and unplug electronics when not needed
Turn off air conditioning when not needed
Reduce the time of your showers
Shower with cold water
Do the laundry in large loads and only when needed
Run your laundry on 'cold' setting
Air dry your laundry
Reuse materials in your home
Compost at home
Drop off your compostable kitchen scraps at a collection spot
Extend the useful life of your belongings (maintain, repair)
Borrow and lend products when possible
Opt for non-toxic cleaning products
Reduce or eliminate the use of toxic pesticides and/or fertilizers on your property
Reduce your consumption of animal products (meat/dairy)
Adopt a vegetarian diet
Adopt a vegan diet
Opt for organic food
Opt for local food
Opt for seasonal food
Minimize your food waste
Grow your own food
Support permaculture
Opt for bulk food
Opt for package-free food
Remember to ask for drinks without a straw if possible
Bring your own container when ordering take-out food
Bring your own container for leftovers when dining out
Bring your own reusable cup when ordering drinks to go
Minimize the use of your car
Opt for carpooling when possible
Opt for walking when possible
Opt for biking when possible
Opt for public transportation when possible
Opt for eco-friendly vehicles when possible
Minimize air transportation
Purchase carbon offsets when possible
Reduce the purchase of unnecessary products and services
Support eco-friendly businesses
Support local businesses
Opt for renewable energy
Opt for eco-efficient appliances when possible
Opt for second hand products
Opt for biodegradable products
Opt for recyclable products
Refuse unnecessary products when on sale or free
Opt for ethically-made products
Communicate your opinions about sustainability with the corporate sector
Communicate your opinions about sustainability with your government representatives
Recommend eco-friendly businesses to your friends and family
Support eco-friendly businesses on social media (follow, like, comment, share)
Vote for government representatives who value the environment
Participate in environmental activism events
Share environmental content on your social media
Talk about the environmental with your friends and family
Give praise and recognition to people who are making an effort to be more eco-friendly
Mind and time
Do your own environmental research online
Participate in beach cleanups
Participate in tree planting events
Volunteer at recycling centres
Organize or participate in plogging events
Spend more time in nature
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